The Indian government has asked the IPL to revise its tournament dates once again. The government wants the IPL to rework the revised schedule after consulting the states in which the matches are to be held. BCCI sources said discussions have already been initiated at the state level in this regard.
"We told them it will not be possible to provide central paramilitary forces for the IPL because of the elections," home ministry spokesman Onkarmal Kedia said. "We want them to draw up a schedule after consulting state governments on the dates when they can provide security. The ministry will take a decision after receiving a new schedule."
N Srinivasan, the BCCI secretary, told reporters in New Delhi after a one-and-a-half hour meeting that home ministry officials had explained their concerns about the dates in detail. "We have also expressed our difficulties and our own concerns," Srinivasan said.
Some of the IPL's options are to have a packed schedule - with up to three matches in a day - and shorten the tournament, the matches to states that are willing to provide security for them.